New Year's Eve is a special time where the old year gets left behind and everyone can start fresh with another one. No matter how you celebrate, make sure it's done the right way and in style. On New Year's Eve, consider dressing like it's not just another ordinary day, but a celebration of an opportunity to start anew.
AND....this is the instruction you must learn :
Step 1
Wear something relatively light if you're going to be indoors, but bring a coverup. The heat will most likely be on and if you're going to a party chances are there will be quite a few other people there generating body heat. More clothes can always be put on but there's only so much that can be taken off. The coverup, such as a blazer or shawl, can serve as extra warmth if you get chilled.
Step 2
Avoid wearing brand new, never-worn shoes. Considering that New Year's Eve is a time to start anew, you don't want to start it out by being miserable and in pain because of sore feet. Instead of wearing new shoes, wear them and break them in ahead of time so they will be comfortable by the time New Year's Eve comes. If attending an outdoor event, make sure to wear sturdy shoes or sneakers that can ease the pain of people stepping on your feet along with the ability to keep your feet warm and comfortable in the large crowds.
Step 3
Dress up instead of wearing basic everyday wear. Wherever you are, even if it's just you and two friends sitting on the couch, dress up like you were going out to a nice dinner. Have your own celebration and ring in the New Year in style. Consider how you dress on New Year's Eve to be an indication of how you want the rest of the year to go.
Step 4
Wear multiple layers if you're going to be outdoors. Chances are it's going to be quite cold even with all the people around. If you wear layers, you can take a layer off if you get too hot and put it back on if you get too cold. Long pants and long sleeves should be worn along with scarves, hats and gloves to ensure that you are warm enough in the chilly weather.